Add-Ons, All, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
PrivateContent – User Data add-on 3.4.5
User Data add-on boosts your PrivateContent plugin allowing you to create and use unlimited fields to record more informations from your users.
All, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
WP Ultimate BAN Users 1.5.6
The Ultimate BAN Users WordPress Plugin is the last plugin you’ll ever need for managing access to your WordPress site and moderating/removing users’ content. Ban existing users indefinitely or by…
Add-Ons, All, Formidable Forms, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
Formidable Forms – User Tracking 1.0
Track which pages a user visits prior to submitting a form.
Add-Ons, All, Formidable Forms, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
Formidable Forms – User Registration 3.0
Give new users access to your site as quickly and painlessly as possible. Allow users to register, edit and be able to login to their profiles on your site from…
Add-Ons, All, Plugins, Ultimate Member, User Management, WordPress Plugins
Ultimate Member User Photos Addon 2.1.7
Allow users to upload photos to their profile
All, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
AJAX Login and Registration modal popup PRO 2.1.8
Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features + inline form using shortcode. Compatible with any theme.
All, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
Pie Register Premium WordPress Registration Plugin
Create User Registration forms in minutes, no coding, zero hassle…
All, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
User Extra Fields 16.7
Wordpress User Extra Field plugin enhances your WordPress installation by allowing to associate extra user profile fields for registered users. Fields can be optionally showed on the register page, account…
All, Plugins, User Management, WordPress Plugins
Freelance Cockpit 4.0.3
Spend less time worrying about CRM and have more time to focus on your ideas