All, Backup, Plugins, Utilities., WordPress Plugins
Duplicator Pro WordPress Plugin 4.5.20
Create a backup WordPress files and database. Duplicate and move an entire site from one location to another in a few steps. Create a full snapshot of your site at…
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iThemes BackupBuddy WordPress Plugin 9.1.13
Easily backup, restore or move your WordPress site to another domain or server with BackupBuddy, the best WordPress backup plugin.
All, Backup, Enhancements., MainWP, Plugins, WordPress Plugins
MainWP BackUpWordPress Extension 4.0.7
With the MainWP BackUpWordPress Extension you can control the BackUpWordPress Plugin settings for all your child sites directly from your MainWP Dashboard. This includes giving you the ability to create…
All, Backup, Enhancements., MainWP, Plugins, WordPress Plugins
MainWP BlogVault Backup Extension 1.3
MainWP has partnered with BlogVault to bring you bulletproof incremental off-site backups for all your MainWP Child sites at an exclusive discount of 25% off their normal prices. All you…
All, Backup, Plugins, WordPress Plugins
UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin
Backup and restore: take backups locally, or backup to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV & email, on automatic schedules
All, Backup, Caching & Speed, Plugins, WordPress Plugins
WP Staging Pro 5.7.1
Clone Your WordPress & Copy Staging Changes to Live Site. WP Staging Allows You to Work Safely on Your Website